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I’m currently working as a visiting postdoc at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, supervised by Prof. Leo Wanner. My current research focus is hate speech detection and human-centered NLP.

I worked as Head of R&D at Knorex from 2015 to 2022. My research topics include weakly-supervised learning methods, text mining, and natural language generation. Prior to joining Knorex, I worked as a researcher at Baidu-I2R Research Centre under the supervision of Dr. Su Jian, mainly on information extraction projects.

I received B.COMP (1st Class Honours) from the National University of Singapore (supervised by Associate Prof. Min-Yen Kan) and M.S & Ph.D from Chulalongkorn University (working with Asst. Prof. Dittaya Wanvarie).

Please contact me about any synergies between your research interests and mine. I’m no longer using any social media. If you want to reach out to me, please drop me an email.

Research Interests

My current research focus is detecting hate speech across domains (Jin et al. 2023), functionalities (Jin et al. 2024), target identities (Jin et al. 2024), and ultimately individual persons. Hate speech detection is a highly subjective task, where a universalism approach may harm the vulnerable groups we want to project. I’m thrilled to investigate how we can model individuals’ or groups’ perspectives to the task.

I’m broadly interested in the applications of natural language processing. The focus of my PhD thesis is weakly-supervised text classification (aka. dataless classification) where we induce classifiers without any manually labeled document (Jin et al. 2017, Charoenphakdee et al. 2019, Jin et al. 2020, Jin et al. 2021a, Jin et al. 2021b).

I’m also keen on natural language generation, especially controlling the topic, style, and content of generated texts without additional supervision (Jin and Le, 2016, Jin et al. 2021, Jin et al. 2022).